Homegrown Vegetables!

Homegrown Vegetables!
This is our (my mom and I) baby roma tomatoe plant that we named Thomas

More Homegrown Goodies!

More Homegrown Goodies!
Say hi to Pepper, our cayenne pepper plant!

Summer Break at Lake Burke!

Summer Break at Lake Burke!
Here's me on my "retreat" to Lake Burke during summer break!

First Day of School!

First Day of School!
Here's me on my first day of school, headed out the door!


One of my fave christian rock bands! click on the pic to go to their official website!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Right now, I'm in my school library working on a greek mythology skit for my drama class. I'm doing a skit about the story of Kronus and Rhea. It's very interesting. Check it out:


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hello, my fans! I'm extremely sorry about my abstence. I have just been so busy. You know, with middle school and all. I have so much to tell you guys! Where do I begin...... Well, first of all, middle school is great!!! I can't believe the year is almost over. Time goes by so fast in middle school. Anyway, I was also on a basketball team and we won a couple games, but mostly we lost the games. It was fun and I made a lot of friends. The season's over now, though. Now back to school, I am in a drama class and we're researching greek mythology. It is so fun! Probably because I LOVE acting, drama, art, and greek mythology.
 I am also in this after-school group called FCCLA. It's a family consumer science group. We meet every Wednesday and do very fun projects. Then, we have snacks. So there you go, a catch-up on my life. This time I'll try to post more.

Running Around This Summer!

Running Around This Summer!
My brother and I at my last track meet!


Look at me jump over those hurdles!

A Summer Art Project!

A Summer Art Project!
My pretty princess painting in progress!

Supermom to Save the Day!

Supermom to Save the Day!
Here's my supermom!